Monday, February 27, 2006
Put on your tinfoil hats...Posted by C

Bush said he really doesn't care about catching Bin Laden. What if that's because the Bush family is friends with the Bin Laden family? Or because BushCo knows that as long as Bin Laden is alive, he and Bush prop each other up?

What if BushCo actually wants chaos in the Middle East in order to create a "Long War" (read: war without end) because it justifies an imperial presidency?

What if BushCo really wanted Hamas to win? (Hat tip to The Reality-Based Community. This is what made me put on my tinfoil hat this morning.)

We know it wasn't weapons of mass destruction, or links with Al Qaeda. What if the dirty little secret of the president's Iraq war is that BushCo's real problem with Iraq was an old one-- that they had nationalized their oil? What if what BushCo really wanted was to put that wealth back into private hands?

If those things were all true-- what would BushCo do or have done differently?
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Branding...Posted by C

From TomPaine.com:

Officially, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld calls it “The Long War,” a propaganda term designed to echo “the Cold War,” and the Pentagon intends to brainwash Americans into supporting a generation-long struggle that will lay the groundwork for an American hegemony in the 21st century.

I guess "The War on Terror" moniker is wearing a little thin, what with nobody getting killed on U.S. soil lately. And something more general is needed to justify ALL the bellicose and imperialistic adventures planned or already underway.

I surely hope the press and Democrats won't let them get away with this branding trick. Rather than "The Long War" or the "War on Terror" we should call it the "Conflict With Al Queda." That not only puts in proper perspective, it separates it from "The Administration's War in Iraq," which is a whole other kettle of fish.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Just sayin'...Posted by C

If we accept that Americans can now be put in jail without charges, without access to a lawyer, and for as long the president wants-- then the terrorists have won.

If we accept that the U.S. can now engage in the torture of prisoners and suspects-- then the terrorists have won.

If we accept that the NSA can now eavesdrop on Americans without a warrant-- then the terrorists have won.

If we accept that the president has "war powers" without a declaration of war-- then the terrorists have won.

That would be just too damned easy for the terrorists. I, for one, don't accept it.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
It's probably apocryphal...Posted by C

Some prof of mine, I think, told me that Marx, I think, once said, I think:
History is a series of over-reactions to over-reactions.

I can't find anything with google, so I'd be happy to take credit for the quote myself...

Anyway, it's what comes to mind from the "cartoon controversy" upsetting so many people.
Monday, February 06, 2006
We're NOT at war...posted by C

(I posted this in comments over at Digby's.)

Only Congress can declare war. I don't know exactly what phrase could be used instead (in order not to sound "soft on terrorism"), but W should not be able to claim war powers when war has not been formally declared.

We are fighting terrorism, we are hunting terrorists, but terrorism isn't a country, and we're not at war.
When life gives you dilemmas, make dilemmanade.

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