SkimmersThe Greek public is right: the financial collapse is not the fault of the working class, and the working class should not be the folks suffering to set things right.
Will Americans also revolt?
Probably not. The skimmers have been more than masterful in their dominance of public discourse in America. They have bamboozled the actual producers of wealth-- workers-- into thinking that they-- skimmers-- are rich because they are clever and work hard.
Some of them work hard. Some are clever. But they work hard and are clever at skimming, not at producing. They work so hard and are so clever at skimming that they've reached a place where they now skim almost everything.
Now, let me say: we need skimmers. Skimmers amass wealth in quantities workers cannot. Then, in an effort to multiply their wealth, some run businesses, which employ workers.
(Some only skim. They speculate in real estate or currency, they buy and sell stocks or futures or other even more exotic "instruments", not adding any value to the economy, and walk away with more wealth than they started with-- wealth that was created by workers.)
So let there be skimmers.
But if too much wealth is skimmed, not enough goes to the workers who created it, and the workers become poor, can't buy stuff, and the economy goes into the crapper.
That's where we are right now. For decades the skimmers have taken more and more, leaving workers less and less. The solution is not to further deregulate the skimmers, or cut the taxes of skimmers, or impose austerity measures on workers, or cut Social Security. No, we need to impose severe austerity measures on the skimmers. We need to tax them like it's 1965.
But the skimmers are greedier than they are wise, and would see our whole civilization collapse before they will open their clenched fists.