Don't know much about history.In America people know what Karl Marx was wrong about: that the workers would rise up, overthrow capitalism, and create a workers' paradise.
We don't know what he was right about: that capitalism is prone to booms and busts and bubbles; that it tends to lead to monopolization; that to increase their profits the owners of the means of production will always push the workers toward subsistence wages.
The reining in of capitalism (regulation of business, higher taxes on the rich, increased social services, and a minimal social safety net)-- in short: liberalism-- got us out of the great depression. It saved capitalism in America while allowing workers to do better and better for a few decades.
Then the rich said, "Look how good capitalism works. We need less regulation on business and lower taxes on the rich, and we'll all do even better!"
How stupid could we be? Pretty stupid. Not knowing our own history, let alone Marx, we did as they said.
And it hasn't worked out very well.
Now, having duped us into wreckless deregulation and ruinously lower taxes on them, the rich want us to cut social services and whittle away at the minimal social safety net.
We should laugh them out of the room.
We should say, "For shame! Haven't you screwed things up enough already? Is there no limit to your greed?"
And we should tax them like its 1965.