I like conspiracy theories...Posted by C
Grand, sweeping, omniverous ones. I don't believe them, necessarily. But I like them. And for that reason, I'm going to put one out there.
The Bush family and the Bin Laden family are in cahoots. Together they've manufactured a global crisis with the intent of elevating the prestige and power of both families. The idea is to harness the fear and outrage of Americans to create a situation in the U.S. where the Bush family can maintain and solidify control, establish a dynasty, even modify the Constitution where necessary. And to harness the fear and outrage of Islamic peoples to set the stage for the ascendancy of the House of Laden, first in one or another country, but ultimately in an Islamic super-state in the ME. Then a perpetual state of war will be the excuse for both families to crush dissent.
It would explain a lot, which is the great thing about conspiracy theories. If it turns out to be true, remember: You heard it here first, folks.