Modern Parenting
I have a kid. We watch Colbert together. Sometimes she turns to me and asks, "Is that true?"
Yesterday it was because Jeremy Scahill told us that Obama orders drone strikes that kill lots and lots of innocent people, including women and children.
"Yes, it's true."
What a horrible thing to have to say.
I voted for Obama. Twice. Would we have been better off with McCain or Romney? Probably they would have been worse.
Still, it's an outrage. I can make a list of his outrages-- lots of people have: drones; indefinite detention without charges or trial; the assassination of American citizens without charges or trial; the grand bargain to weaken Social Security and Medicare; NAFTA-- he said he'd renegotiate it, but instead he's making more (secret) trade deals to benefit the rich; Guantanamo is still open; the persecution of Assange and Snowden; FISA; retroactive immunity from prosecution for the telecoms; unconstitutional snooping on journalists and the rest of us; fracking; the Keystone XL Pipeline; and on and on and on.
"It's only compared to Republicans that he isn't a monster."